Friday, April 24, 2020

Red Golden Penda

 It has been a long time since I have not updated stories and pictures about the Kuching garden. Being locked-down in Kuching due to the Covid-19 pandemic, my holiday time in Kuching is naturally extended. Today is the 39th day of staying at home in Kuching.  However, looking at the positive side this staying at home phenomena has given me time to take care of the garden.  This gardening activity makes staying at home a lot more bearable.
Today I'm trying to trim some climbers and small flowering shrubs that have grown pretty wild.  I will have more time to blog about the Kuching garden later.  This first posting  focus is on the Red Golden Penda ( Xanthostemma chryanthus).

Red Golden Penda (Xanthostemom chrysanthus)